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My New Product Ideas + Your Monthly $5 = Our Profits

00:00 / 01:51
4,994 of 5,000 Blocks Remain 1-18-23
The Process We'll Use To Win

Give To Charity

Pay Off Debts

Build Your Finances Faster

Retire Early

Pay Off Mortgage Faster

Pay College Tuition / Loans

  The proceeds will be used to allow me to focus on inventing

- Research & Development

- Buying Components & Parts

- Testing Various Scenarios

- Industrial Design

- Prototyping Products

- 3rd Party Patent Searches

- Patent Drawings

- Filing For Patents

- Filing For Trademarks

- Licensing Efforts / Marketing Efforts

- Paying For Manufacturing Molds

It takes money to make money. If you understand this and you believe that your life can be made better with more money coming into your possession, become a member of The Crew and grab your piece of the pie. Sponsor me to help your own finances. 

Risk – The risk of not participating is greater than the risk of participating. The price is low so everyone can participate. You need this to prepare for the future. No one is offering the same opportunity to the little person. Society isn’t set up for the little man/woman to succeed. No matter why you’ve arrived here it’s time for action. It’s worth a shot. Remember, No Risk. No Reward.




Have you ever wondered who gets the money you spend for products at Walmart, Target, and Amazon? 

People develop those products and sell them to YOU.

Every time you and others buy a product, someone is getting richer. Now, you can be on the other side of that profit equation by joining The Crew. You can receive money from consumers without lifting a finger.


Don't wait! There are only 5000 blocks available and members can buy more than one sponsorship block. Don't miss out.


Everybody wants to increase their income. However, most people try to do it through seeking a raise or hopping from job to job. Getting raises of 3 - 5% represents the minimum you can do. Join The Crew to change this.

If you haven't figured it out yet, regular jobs only pay you enough to keep you coming back. Why not use the money you've earned on your regular job and make it work for you?

Raise your income by believing in something other than the status quo of living paycheck to paycheck. Join the Crew! Do it now!

Help Spread The Word! 

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